

Reading Time: 4 minutes

As organizations are adopting new ways to contain the increasing volume of cybersecurity threats and attacks, incident handling has become one of the prominent solutions. It is the process of identifying, investigating, analyzing, and managing security incidents in real time. The method mitigates ongoing security incidents as well as it is capable of avoiding potential cyber threats.  

Incident handling requires a combination of tools, knowledge of different domains, and human-driven analysis. The incident handling process gets invoked whenever an incident occurs. After which, the first responders investigate the scope of the incident to devise a plan for mitigation. That is why organizations are not adequately prepared for the fight against cyber attacks until they have an incident handling team onboard. It is the most effective way to contain low-level attacks to massive network security breaches while keeping the recovery cost and time at its minimum. From policy violations to data breaches or any other form of security compromises, all fall under security incidents. 

Incident Handling in Five Steps 

It is crucial to have an incident handling plan that can take care of multiple security aspects of an IT infrastructure. The ISO/IEC Standard 27035 laid out a five-stage process for the same, discussed as follows: 

  1. Preparation

Be prepared with an incident management policy to deal with multiple forms of incidents. It also demands to have a dedicated team in place. 

  1. Identification

Monitor your security infrastructure for any possible security incidents. If the team comes across any suspicious activity or behavior, report that immediately. 

  1. Assessment

Assess the incident to determine a suitable plan to address the situation. For instance, release a patch for the identified bug in the application or software, or collect digital evidence to resolve the data breach and more. 

  1. Respond

Based on your previous step, respond to the incident with a proper investigation to contain it, and resolve the issue. 

  1. Learn Lessons

Document the key learnings of the entire experience for future use. Also, update your process with the required changes. 

How Does Incident Handling Work? 

Incident response (IR) is a customized plan that varies from one organization to another. However, all the IR plans still follow a few general steps. The first step of all these IR plans can be “full IT infrastructure scanning” or “in-depth investigation.” Under which, the professional needs to hunt for any abnormality in the system. Anything suspicious should be taken into consideration, even the unusual behavior of authorized users.  

Consider an example, a server functioning slower than usual; this is a sign of abnormal behavior. The security team should assess whether the issue is associated with any security incident. In case if it is, the team must further evaluate the infected entity (in this scenario, it is the server). Determine the scope of the attack, collect other relevant information, and build a plan to resolve the incident. 

There are times when a security incident needs a public announcement or the involvement of law enforcement. For this, take the necessary steps to handle the issue at hand. 

Four Practices for Successful Incident Handling

Despite the size and type of business, every organization needs an incident handling plan. Incorporate the following practices in your plan so that it doesn’t have any loose ends:

  1. Build an incident handling plan with proper regulatory policies. These supporting policies will guide the concerned team on how to detect, report, analyze, and respond to the incident. Creating a checklist for the planned actions will ease the entire process. Also, updating this plan regularly with the lessons learned would be of great help.
  2. Build a team dedicated to incident handling and IR (such as CSIRT). The team should be clear about their respective roles and responsibilities. A clear RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, or Informed) chart will benefit the involved professionals. This chart will have the details of the accountable personnel. Also, the team should have functional roles in other departments, such as legal, finance, business operations, sales, and administration, at the time of crisis.
  3. A comprehensive periodic training program is an essential element of an incident handling plan. Under this program, clearly, mention all the activities to be performed for the successful incident handling operations. All the involved procedures should be practiced with numerous test scenarios before putting it to use in real time. This program will evaluate the functional, operational, and tactical skills of the team.
  4. The post-incident analysis is as vital as the entire incident handling process. Once the team has successfully handled a security incident, learn from the failures, and adopt the successful elements. Update the existing incident handling plan, if required.

For the situations needing a collection of digital and forensic evidence, try including below-mentioned practices:

  • Draft a suitable policy for evidence collection so that the evidence should be acceptable in the court of law.
  • The plan should be flexible enough to employ forensics whenever evidence collection, analysis, investigation, and reporting are considered. Flawed evidence collection can result in substantial damages, and so, it is a compulsion that this specialized function should be performed with undivided attention.
  • Appoint professionals with hands-on experience. It would be of great advantage.

Tips for Mature Incident Handling Process

For the proactive incident handling plan, also consider the following tips:

  • Have different checklists and templates in place. This step will be useful for operational maintenance response. The team might need to deal with different configurations, which requires separate guides for start-up, shutdown, restoration, and more.
  • Report the management and concerned stakeholders regarding financial metrics. The management and stakeholders should be aware of the recovery cost savings and the level of productivity.
  • Regularly test and evaluate your IR plan. It’s crucial that you analyze what did and didn’t go well with the existing plan. To check your IR plan, you can start with paper test, tabletop exercises, and simulated attacks.
    • Under the paper test, check the documentation if there are any discrepancies or some step or some other detail is missing.
    • As per tabletop exercises, stakeholders run through several incident scenarios to review and practice actions defined in the plan.
    • A fully simulated attack brings the team closer to real-world situations. It helps the team to understand their roles as well as the procedures to carry out their responsibilities.

A sound and robust incident handling not only reduces the recovery cost and time but also contributes to lowering the potential liabilities and minimizing the damage to the organization. For all of this to happen correctly, organizations need to have all the necessary tools to alert, analyze, and mitigate the incident.


Reading Time: 5 minutes

In today’s digital landscape, top-notch network security solutions are the need of the hour. Apart from concrete anti-malware programs and different cybersecurity solutions, having a proper network security plan with a good firewall is a must.

Traditional firewalls protect the internal network against the incoming traffic. They have been serving as the first line of defense in network security for almost the past three decades. Over this period, they evolved to become—traditional, next-generation, hardware, and software, to name a few. Like any other cybersecurity solutions, the firewalls have transformed since its initial years, thus making it challenging for network owners to decide upon the appropriate firewall to use as per their requirements. Choosing a wrong firewall can leave your network and data susceptible to various types of cyber threats.

All About Firewall

A firewall can be defined as either a hardware or a software program, designed to block all unwanted incoming traffic while allowing authorized communications to flow freely. As a security enhancement mechanism, the firewall filters out the flagged data packets as per the defined rules and standards. In simpler words, a firewall acts as a shield between the private network and the Internet to protect the former from unauthorized access.

A few basic facts about firewalls may be listed as follows:

  • Without a firewall, your internal network is under constant threat of unauthorized access, security breach, and data theft.
  • A firewall sometimes even prevents outgoing traffic from visiting certain websites or web pages to keep it safe from the unsafe environment.
  • The rules need to be defined by the administrator of the network to block unnecessary traffic from entering.
  • Routers vs. Firewalls—A router and a firewall are not the same. A router directs the traffic to the desired target without blocking any incoming traffic, except Access Control List (ACL). In fact, routing is one of the functions of a firewall with the primary objective of blocking unusual traffic.

Different Types of Firewalls

Organizations have several different types of firewalls to choose from, which are:

  1. Proxy Firewall

A proxy firewall filters out flagged messages at the application layer to protect the resources of a private network. Its add-on functionalities include content caching and provision of security for direct connections between internal and external networks. It is also known as an application firewall or gateway firewall.

  1. Stateful Inspection Firewall

A firewall blocking incoming traffic based on state, port, and protocol is known as stateful inspection firewall. Such firewalls monitor an active connection throughout its different states to check which network packet should be allowed to pass.

  1. Unified Threat Management (UTM) Firewall

A UTM firewall combines the features of a traditional firewall with various other security aspects. Usually, this UTM appliance offers the functionalities of gateway antivirus, intrusion detection, and prevention, which are loosely coupled together. Such firewalls are ideal for small- to medium-sized enterprises.

  1. Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW)

Next-Generation Firewalls are designed to block modern-day cyber threats, such as advanced malware and application-layer attacks. However, this firewall should also be capable of performing the standard stateful inspection.

  1. Threat-Focused NGFW

Apart from the functions of a traditional NGFW, threat-focused NGFW offers advanced threat detection and remediation. It also knows which assets are more prone to risk with a complete context awareness report. It can respond to attacks using intelligent security automation and is capable of handling various other security-related issues.

Why Do You Need Firewalls?

If you are doubtful and are still looking for more reasons to install a firewall, look at the following benefits of having an active firewall:

  • No More Unauthorized Remote Access

Consider a scenario where a cyber attacker can access your entire data and private accounts remotely; this can be prevented by disabling the “remote desktop access” feature of the firewall. Note that this feature is not capable of blocking manually allowed third-party applications to use your data. Also, if some malware program is pre-installed in your system, which usually comes along with other security issues—like Trojans, keyloggers, and backdoors, then a firewall is incapable of protecting your network and data.

Note: As firewalls are designed to block malicious apps from gaining access to the private network, there is a probability that a few trustworthy software and applications can also be blocked.

  • Blocking Unwanted Messages

Anti-spam feature of firewall helps in controlling, detecting, and preventing unwanted messages, which can contain spam, viruses, or any other threats. This responsibility makes it crucial to keep your firewall active and appropriately configured. If not done correctly, you will be an easy target for cyber attackers.

  • Safe Online Gaming Experience

Online gaming brings potential cybersecurity risks while being one of the most significant developments in the gaming world. McAfee has recently reported in its survey “Game Over” that 75 percent of PC gamers are concerned about the security aspect of future gaming. [1] This problem has a great solution—firewall installation.

Mostly, firewalls are designed to configure themselves according to the requirements of the game. It will update the firewall with a suitable title, software type, and any other required attribute. The “Gaming Mode” of most of the games helps the gamers to automate the security-related configurations. They will also get the option of changing the firewall application settings to manual.

  • Filtering Out Immoral Content

With all the above-listed pros, firewalls can protect directories and folders from ransomware and can even block specified online locations. This setting usually comes under parental control, but this feature is similar to the roles and responsibilities of a firewall too.

Firewall Rules

Firewalls follow the fundamental constraint of matching the incoming traffic with the defined rules to allow it to get through. The following instances give you a closer look at how firewall rules are applied:

Example 1: Accept established incoming traffic to the public network interface on port 80 and 443, which stands for HTTP and HTTPS web-based traffic.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an “application layer protocol” responsible for presenting information rather than focusing on how data gets transferred from one point to the other. HTTP is suitable for those websites that do not hold sensitive information. On the contrary, HTTPS (or “secure http”) allows authorized access and secures transactions. Note that HTTP and HTTPS don’t pay attention to the transfer of data.

Example 2: Reject incoming traffic from public networks on port 22 (SSH).

The SSH protocol (or “Secure Shell”) allows secure remote login. It offers several features like authentication, communication security, and integrity with robust encryption. SSH is a substitute protocol for other login protocols, such as telnet and rlogin, which not protected in nature. It can also be used in place of FTP, which is again an insecure file transfer protocol.

That’s how the firewall rules are applied to avoid unwanted network traffic.

Cybercriminals targeting small- to large-scale businesses—this has become a common cybersecurity issue. To avoid this, you should prepare yourself with a line of defense containing a properly configured firewall, the one that can fulfill the security requirements of your organization. Choose between hardware and software firewalls or install both to add an extra layer of security. A proactive firewall can protect your organization from various malware attacks and unauthorized intrusions.

Become a Certified Network Defender

EC-Council’s Certified Network Defender (CND) teaches you secure firewall configuration among other network security protocols and controls to achieve defense-in-depth security. The program will help you protect, defend, and respond to network security threats. Learn more about the certification by visiting


Reading Time: 5 minutes

There’s a lot to think about when you start a new business. Between concerns about production methods, information flow, order fulfillment, and marketing, it’s easy for security to get lost in the shuffle. The thing to remember is that cybersecurity is as important, if not more so, than the rest. Think of it like this. If cyber attackers are breaking into your site left and right, you don’t really have a business.  

These eight suggestions are indispensable tools to protect what you are building and ensure you a strong shot at success.  

  1. Don’t Rely on a Single Program to Protect the Network

Startups don’t always have a lot of cash, so no one blames them for trying to keep expenses as low as possible. Skimping on security, however, is not a good strategy. In fact, poor security could end up costing quite a bit of money.  

Invest in more than one program to protect your network and the devices attached to it.  

Non-negotiables would be a security suite with a robust anti-virus program, firewall, and virtual private network (VPN). We’ll talk about those last two later. For now, we’d like to encourage you to find a software suite that checks for malware, ransomware, spyware, plus keeps a sharp eye out for viruses. [1] [2] [3]  

  1. Update Those Security Programs Regularly

Purchasing and installing security programs is only the beginning. They need to be updated on a regular basis. It’s not overkill to do so daily.  

Most programs can be set to do this automatically, though that doesn’t mean you can’t manually check for updates any time you like. For example, go ahead and schedule automatic updates for a couple of hours before your employees come in each day. At the same time, implement a procedure for them to manually check for updates during the last hour of their work days. Between the two, your programs will always be ready to utilize the most up to date security releases.  

  1. Remember Up There When We Mentioned a VPN?

Just a few short years ago, VPN services were only for secret agents and tech geeks. But as the daily parade of data breaches, identity theft, new regulations (GDPR we’re talking about you), and government intrusions continues to stroll past, only an extremely injudicious business owner would shrug off considering the idea.  

So, what does this wondrous acronym do? Simply put, it creates an encrypted connection to the internet over which the data associated with your business online activity flows. Forward-looking businesses that already have a VPN installed reap the benefits of a slimmer chance that a cyber attacker will be able to 1) even find your data or 2) be able to read it – state of the art encryption protocols present code that would take the best computer on earth a few billion years to crack. [4] 

The problem is that advanced encryption tends to slow online browsing, so don’t be afraid to read a cross-section of VPN reviews as part of the process of separating the good from the bad or, in this case, the fast from the slow. [5] Some lower quality services have been known to log user data (that’s bad) and either cough it up to government requests (that’s also bad) or sell it to advertisers (that’s downright ugly).  

  1. Make the Most of Your Web Host’s Security Features

How much do you know about the security protection provided by your web host? Many of the better services provide a number of ways to keep your pages from being corrupted or information collected from visitors being hijacked.  

Talk with the web host support staff and see what new security measures they may have added since you first signed up. Many add new features regularly that will make your security measures even stronger.  

  1. Network SegmentationIs Your Friend

There are those who believe that network segmentation is one of the most powerful ways to strengthen a business network. [6] The rationale is that in the event of some type of breach, it’s possible to limit the damage to one segment. Instead of a cyber attacker being able to wander through your network at will, the action is contained. That provides more options for removing the threat even as you protect the integrity of the remaining network segments.  

  1. Never Assume Your BusinessIs Too Small to Target

Do you think that no one would waste time trying to break into your network simply because your business is smaller than the ones we see splashed across the headlines? Think again! Security threats aimed at smaller businesses are common and often lucrative. [7] To some extent, that’s because small business owners think they fly under the radar of cyber attackers and don’t need to beef up their security measures.  

The fact is cyber attackers and sometimes governments want to infiltrate and collect data from small businesses. [8] Assume your company is as much of a target as any major corporation. That attitude could prevent you from becoming another bankruptcy statistic.  

  1. Invest in a Next Generation Firewall 

How old is the technology behind your deployed firewall?  [9] Even if it’s only a few years old, it could already be obsolete. The fact that it’s an effective barrier against older threats does not automatically mean it will protect you from more recent ones.  

This is another area that needs constant upgrades. Present generation firewalls offer greater protection and require more sophisticated strategies to breach, especially as artificial intelligence and machine learning technology make their way into the mix. That provides more time for your other safety safeguards to detect the activity and take action to block the threat.  

  1. Review and Refine Your System GuidelinesAtLeast Twice a Year  

Technology moves quickly and that includes the development of viruses and other threats. What worked six months ago may not be enough to protect your network today. The only way to be sure is to schedule at least two reviews of your system guidelines annually. [10] Focus on how access is granted, procedures related to remote access, policies about using devices in the office, and anything else that has to do with network security.  

The Bottom Line 

It’s up to you to determine how to protect your network. Talk with a professional and develop a comprehensive approach. Remember that assessing the network setup and usage regularly will make it easier to know when upgrades are needed. While all this might seem like a lot of fuss and bother, the effort will pay off every time threat is detected and blocked and your business lives to operate another day without malware or virus interference. By the way, there’s a good chance your website is already under attack about 22 times per day

About the Author

Will Hinch

Sam Bocetta is a freelance journalist specializing in U.S. diplomacy and national security, with an emphasis on technology trends in cyber warfare, cyber defense, and cryptography.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this guest author article are solely those of the contributor, and do not necessarily reflect those of EC-Council.


Reading Time: 5 minutes

Digital identity is a significant component of any organization’s digital strategy. It ensures the delivery and security of systems, data, and applications. On the contrary, Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a framework designed for various business policies, processes, and technologies to manage digital identities. IAM framework enables IT managers to control user access to critical data while system administrators can regulate the role-based user access to systems/networks. It plays a critical role in the security plan as well as the productivity of the organizations. In simple words, IAM verifies how enterprises allow their staff to access pivotal data and applications. With different roles and responsibilities, every employee has its own set of requirements. Thus, IAM allows and limits the access of different employees according to their roles. Beyond that, access from different infrastructures (cloud, on-premise, and hybrid) and devices (tablets, smartphones, and laptops) is another concern of IAM. 

Understanding the Fundamentals of Identity and Access Management 

Identity and access management (IAM) defines and manages privileges provided to the account holders. IAM also looks after the cases in which the individuals will be granted or denied special privileges. The primary focus of IAM systems is to provide each individual (associated employees and customers) their own unique digital identity. This unique identity should be established, monitored, maintained, and modified under the “access lifecycle” of each individual.  

The three major pillars of identity and access management are:  

  • Identification  
  • Authentication 
  • Authorization 

Whenever users try to access any resource or system, they would enter their authorized login credentials for identification. Their credentials then go through the authentication process. Authentication either uses basic knowledge-based mechanism, such as passwords or advanced techniques like multi-factor authentication. It can use biometrics. Once the authentication process is successful, IAM will initiate the authorization process. This process ensures whether the identified user is authorized to perform the intended operations. 

The general identity and access management policies include – 

  • A mechanism to ‘identify’ the users and the roles they are entitled to perform 
  • Protecting systems, applications, and data 
  • Deploying correct levels of security as per the sensitivity of the data, systems, and locations 
  • Adding/Removing/Revising the authenticated users of the IAM system 
  • Adding/Removing/Revising the access rights of each registered user of the IAM system 

Key Benefits of Identity and Access Management (IAM) in Cybersecurity 

The four primary functions of identity and access management are the basis of how IAM can benefit us.  

  1. Pure Identity Function 

The pure identity function is about creating, managing, and deleting the identified users to change the status of their access privileges. A ‘pure identity’ is represented by a set of axioms in a given namespace, which is generally associated with real-world entities.  

In simpler words, an entity (either real or virtual) can have multiple identities. Again, each of these identities can have multiple attributes, which can be unique in a given namespace. 

  1. User Access (Log On) Function

User access function allows users to undertake a digital identity and to correspond all the access controls with it. For instance, a smart card assigned to a customer stores all the associated data and activities linked to offered services. The use of a single digital identity across various platforms simplifies the administrator’s task. It gets easy to monitor, verify, and manage the privileges of the customer.  

An organization when relies on the ‘user access’ function of IAM, focuses more on limiting and granting required privileges to the concerned users. 

  1. Service Function

As organizations are adding new services for internal as well as external users (i.e., customers), the need for identity management becomes more important. Also, identity management has been separated from application functions. This step helps in managing a single digital identity for an individual, which can then be associated with his multiple activities. IAM is also evolving to control device access.  

It’s been noticed that every evoked service looks to access massive data (usually private data). In such a scenario, maintaining confidentiality requirements become a must. 

  1. Identity Federation

Under this arrangement, one or more systems combine to form a single centralized unit. This unit then allows the user to log in after authenticating it against the participating systems. Such an arrangement is based on trust among all the participating systems. This setup is often known as the “Circle of Trust.” Identity federation has two dedicated systems – Identity Provider (IdP) and Service Provider (SP). So, when users request to access a service, IdP first authenticates users to allow them to use the services controlled by the SP. For that, a secure assertion, SAML assertions, is sent from IdP to SP. This statement verifies if users are reliable or not. 

How Can IAM Prevent a Cyber Attack? 

After the United States Office of Personnel Management (OPM) confirmed a data breach on June 2015, which affected nearly four million people; it released a list of practices on how IAM can prevent an organization from a cyber attack – 

  1. Automating the access privilege provision

For every new employee addition, assign all the privileges based on their roles and business rules. It’s better to have workflow automation. Also, for every employee resignation or termination, ensure that all the privileges will be taken away automatically. This practice will help in limiting and preventing unnecessary privileges. 

  1. Privileged Account Controls

Generally, the state-sponsored and organized attacks target the privileged accounts of the organization. Once a privileged account gets compromised, it increases the chances of a massive security breach. Social engineering and phishing attacks are some common ways of tricking privileged users in sharing their passwords. Such attacks can remain undetected for a longer period. A robust set of controls on such accounts can help in limiting the compromise of privileged accounts. 

  1. Frequent Change in Passwords

Employees of the organization should be asked to frequently change their passwords, possibly once or twice in a month. This suggestion should be made compulsory for privilege account holders and administrators. Frequent change of passwords protects the organization from undetected breaches. 

  1. Strong Password Policy

Increasing the complexity of a password makes it difficult to guess or crack. If enterprises prevent the use of weak passwords by enforcing every employee to fulfill some criteria while creating a password. Mandatory use of special characters, numbers, capital letters, makes a few great suggestions. Such a practice can work against the brute-force attack. 

  1. Use of Multi-Factor Authentication

Adding an extra layer in security precautions, make a cybercriminal’s task difficult. Using OTP (One Time Password), token, and smart card for multi-factor authentication fortifies the security infrastructure.  

  1. Rotation of Encryption Keys

Rotating encryption keys for databases mitigate the risk of identity theft. This is the most recommendable practice whenever a breach is suspected. Rotation of encryption keys should be scheduled regularly or can be done manually. 

  1. Removal of Orphan Accounts

Any inactive or unmanaged account pose as a potential threat. Removing such accounts from the servers will help you to prevent a cyber attack. As idle accounts can be used for fraudulent activities, so does the idle servers. Scheduling a routine report for identifying all the inactive accounts will help in mitigating the risk. 

Identity and Access Management (IAM) can be considered a discipline which ensures all the right users get the authorized access to the critical systems and assets of the organization. It offers properly authenticated, authorized, and audited access privileges. This is possible with the provision of singular digital identity for every individual, who can then use this identity for managing multiple accounts. It also uses several practices to avoid potential threats from transforming into colossal cyber attacks. Editor’s Note:Reviewed by Dr. Ranjeet Kumar Singh CEO of Sherlock Institute of Forensic Science India.


Reading Time: 5 minutes

The multi-platform game Fortnite has become a fixture in popular culture over the last few years, with hundreds of millions of people playing the battle royal competition on a regular basis. [1] The game has also created a boost in the e-sports market, as the best Fortnite players in the world are now making a career out of professional gaming.

But like with any popular technology, there will always be nefarious individuals looking to profit from unsuspecting consumers. Since the early days of the internet, cyber attackers have targeted the applications or platforms that had the widest user base and now Fortnite players are experiencing that pain.

In this article we’ll examine the latest form of cyberattack that is hitting the Fortnite community and provide tips for recovering from this malware and avoiding it in the future.

Malware by Deception
The cyberattack being targeted at Fortnite players is a type of ransomware which involves a cyber attacker locking or encrypting all the data on your computer and then displaying a message on-screen that demands a cash or Bitcoin payment. [2] In theory, if you submit the payment as requested, then the cyber attacker will remove the lock on your files.

Fortnite players are being tricked into installing this malware because of it being marketed as a cheat pack. Cyber attackers are posting download links across the web and telling Fortnite players that installing the package will give them an auto-aiming tool and the option to discover other users on the game map.

In reality, the fake cheat pack is actually a well-known ransomware ransomware encrypting agent known as Syrk. [3] When installed, the malware automatically disables your computer’s security features and then loops through your entire local hard drive to make it impossible to open any files. As of now, the Syrk virus that is affecting Fortnite players is specific to the Windows operating system. Players on console platforms do not have to be as concerned about it.

Recovering from an Attack

When you first detect that your computer has become infected with ransomware due to a malicious Fortnite package, it’s important to act quickly. First, disconnect your computer from the rest of your local network. Otherwise there is a chance that the virus could spread to other devices.

The good news about the Syrk form of ransomware is that it’s based on a piece of open-source software. As a result, many countermeasures have been developed and are available for public use. [4] The easiest solution is to search for a file called “-pw+.txt” or “+dp-.txt” in your local Windows folder. The decryption key is stored there and can be entered on the ransomware screen to remove the virus.

If you are unable to reverse the encryption of the Syrk virus, then the remaining approach is to wipe the local hard drive entirely and revert to a recent backup. This underlines the importance of capturing secured snapshots of your data on a regular basis so that no files are lost in case of a ransomware attack. [5]

How to Stay Safe
Education is the most critical factor when it comes to staying safe online, especially for children and teens who spend countless hours on devices playing games like Fortnite. [6] If they do not know about the threat of ransomware and how to identify a suspicious piece of software, then they become extremely vulnerable to cyberattacks.

The brilliant part of this style of attack is that it works because of the nature of the bait offered – ways to cheat at Fortnite. No matter how diligently you may fortify your security measures against the latest in malware, no matter how many steps you may have taken to ensure your online anonymity, none of that matters if you can’t resist clicking that tempting ransomware download link. [7] By doing that, you invite the bad guys right past every defensive measure.

Purchases and downloads for Fortnite should be made directly through the game’s main application. Players need to watch out for advertising pop-ups and email phishing scams that claim to offer bonuses or cheat codes. Before clicking on any link, check the URL it is pointing to and watch out for any domain that is not registered to the Fortnite developers.

Every computer in your home that connects to the internet should be set up with reliable antivirus software that scans your system on a regular basis and checks for definition updates. To make things more secure, consider adding a firewall to your network that will scan all traffic and block malicious software such as the Syrk virus. [8]

Other Targets of Ransomware
In recent years, ransomware has become one of the most popular strategies for cybercriminals across various industries and organizations. In a typical Fortnite attack, the cyber attacker has to pinpoint individual users. But in a corporate or government setting, all it takes is one employee who accidentally installs the malware and the entire office at risk. [9]

In particular, cyber attackers may look to launch social engineering attacks against local governments and healthcare providers. [10] Depending on the technological maturity of these organizations and their networks, there may be access loopholes that make it easy to spread ransomware. And because of the sensitive nature of their data repositories, cyber attackers can extort more money from them than a single Fortnite player who mows lawns after school.

Cybersecurity experts all agree that organizations should avoid paying ransoms to cyber attackers whenever possible. Simply put, there is no guarantee that the criminals behind an attack will ever release the encrypted files. Maintaining a disaster recovery (DR) plan can help you prepare for this type of situation and be ready to react appropriately. [11]

Final Thoughts

Cybercriminals are always looking for large groups of people on the internet who might be susceptible to attack. Sudden growth in a video game like Fortnite represents the exact opportunity that cyber attackers are after. It should be no surprise that ransomware viruses are now being designed to look like Fortnite add-ons and cheat packages.

Most of the Fortnite-based ransomware that has been discovered to date uses the Syrk form of malware, which can wreak havoc on the Windows operating system and bypass many of the security tools you have in place. The virus will essentially hold your local hard drive hostage in exchange for payment. All online gamers need to be aware of the ransomware threat and stay alert for suspicious links or downloadable files.

About the Author

Sam Bocetta is a freelance journalist specializing in U.S. diplomacy and national security, with an emphasis on technology trends in cyber warfare, cyber defense, and cryptography.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this guest author article are solely those of the contributor, and do not necessarily reflect those of EC-Council.


Reading Time: 3 minutes

Why Kali Linux?

If you’ve ever searched penetration testing, you’ve most likely stumbled upon a piece of software called Kali Linux, or more commonly called “Kali”. It is one of the most common and open-source programs that is used for pentesting nowadays.

Kali Linux is one of the many Linux systems that is based on Debian. It is created and overseen by Offensive Security as the successor of the fiercely well-known Backtrack Linux program. In brief, Kali could be a write testing tool compartment. Kali incorporates over 600 computer programs and utilities that write analyzers commonly utilize. The tremendous larger part of these is free and open source. The Kali Tools page records the apparatuses included within the current conveyance.

How to Use Kali Linux for Penetration Testing

Kali Linux consists of 100 security testing tools such as SQL map, Metasploit, hydra, etc. Further, Kali Linux is also equipped with wireless security testing rules. “Aircrack-ng” and “Kismet” are the major tools of them.


This is a wireless security testing software suite. It comprises of an organized packet analyzer, a WEP organizes saltine, and WPA/WPA2-PSK among other sets of wireless auditing apparatuses. Here are the foremost well-known apparatuses included within the Aircrack-ng suite:

  • Airmon-Ng: converts your wireless card into a promiscuous wireless card
  • Airmon-Ng: captures packages of desired specification, and it is particularly useful in deciphering passwords
  • Aircrack-Ng: used to decrypt passwords. It is also able to use statistical techniques to decipher WEP and dictionaries for WPA and WPA2 after capturing the WPA handshake
  • Aireplay-Ng: can be used to generate or accelerate traffic in an access point
  • Airdecap-Ng: decrypts wireless traffic once the key is deciphered

Main features that are supported:

  • Support for WEP, WPA/WPA2-PSK passwords
  • Fast WEP and WPA password decryption
  • Packet sniffer and injector
  • Ability to create a virtual tunnel
  • Automated WEP key password recovery
  • Password list management

Kismet Wireless

This is a multi-platform free Wireless LAN analyzer, sniffer, and IDS (intrusion detection system). It is compatible with almost any kind of wireless card. Using it in sniffing mode allows you to work with wireless networks such as 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n.

Main features:

  • Ability to run in passive mode
  • Easy detection of wireless clients and access points
  • Wireless intrusion detection system
  • Scans wireless encryption levels for a given AP
  • Supports channel hopping
  • Network logging

Next Level of Kali Linux

Raspberry Pi has continuously been showcased as a little, reasonable, credit card-sized, turn-key microcomputer. Their generally low profile and well-supported equipment adornments have made it an incredible choice for versatile infiltration testing. Luckily, Kali Linux is one of those frameworks and an incredible choice for setting up not as it were a versatile pen-testing framework but moreover one at your work area if you can’t manage a more costly PC.

Raspberry Pi is a fantastically reasonable and simple way to get started with pentesting that’s reasonable and reasonably direct, but not without impediments. A need for direct Burp Suite installation can be an issue in case you are doing web entrance testing but can be overcome with OWASP Destroy, netcat, etc. The need for a graphics card can restrain a few resource-intensive forms, as can the nature of the Raspberry Pi itself.

How to Become a Certified Security Analyst

Once you become a Certified Ethical Hacker, obtaining the EC-Council Certified Security Analyst (ECSA) certification will take your pentesting skills to the next level. Unlike most other pen-testing programs that only follow a generic kill chain methodology, the ECSA presents a set of distinguishable comprehensive methodologies that can cover different pentesting requirements across different verticals.With this knowledge, you can bring peace of mind to an organization knowing their network is more secure from today’s biggest and toughest cybercriminals.


Reading Time: 6 minutes

What is Incident Response?

Incident response is a strategized approach that takes place in the aftermath of a security incident. It focuses on minimizing the impact of the cyberattack and recover the affected data and systems in less time possible. The process also ensures reduced recovery costs.

Incident Response Training for Organizations

Incident response training is essential for every organization because even the best defenses can be breached. It’s vital that your cyber incident response team (CIRT) be alert and up-to-date on the latest cyber threats and security techniques, and the incident response training and simulation program is the most effective way to achieve this.  

Truth be told, organizations do not encounter severe cyberattacks daily. Many SOC operators and incident responders may spend weeks responding to straightforward cyber incidents without a major cyberattack. But severe attacks are happening more and more, particularly as our interconnectivity grows. Now more than ever, it is important to be prepared.  

Incident Response Training for Career Transition

For all those individuals who are passionate about information security and love to face technical challenges, incident handling is the right domain for you. Under this domain, you will get to work with an incident response team that helps an organization deal with the aftereffects of a security incident.

Incident Response with non technical background

What are their duties and responsibilities?  

The job responsibility of a cyber incident responder can vary from one organization or employer to the next. Based on the NIST Cybersecurity Workforce Framework outlined in NIST Special Publication 800-181, the following are the general duties and responsibilities of an incident response analyst:  

  • Investigate and report on cybersecurity issues and trends. 
  • Conduct forensic collections, threat analysis and intrusion correlation, as well as track direct system remediation as incidents occur.  
  • Offer constant examination of possible incidents and threats, and train shareholders and workers. 
  • Evaluate incidents in terms of urgency, possibilities and potential impacts, as well as organize and improve remediation tasks. 
  • Manage business cyber-defense incident response endeavors. 
  • Employ incident data to detect exposures and recommend speedy remediation. 
  • Evaluate logs to trace and remediate likely network security risks. 
  • Function as a technical liaison with law enforcement to provide incident particulars as required. 

What Is an Incident Response Plan?

An incident response plan is a set of standards that assist a certified incident handler or incident response analyst in identifying, responding to, mitigating and recovering an organization’s data from cybersecurity incidents. Cybersecurity plans address issues such as cybercrime, reputation damage, data loss and service outages that endanger day-to-day office activities. It is vital for a business to have a well-defined incident response process to alleviate the likelihood of falling victim to the latest cyberattacks and severe security breaches,

Having a detailed incident response plan is effective cyber hygiene, allowing you to analyze your systems and networks for possible weaknesses and implement the latest cybersecurity best practices. An adequate incident response plan provides you with a practicable course of action for both severe and simple incidents that could otherwise affect your organization for weeks or months to come.

When major cybersecurity incidents occur, your organization will draft a comprehensive incident response plan, so your CIRT can contain, eradicate, and recover from the incident more quickly and efficiently. In cases where physical disruptors occur, including flooding and other natural disasters, a disaster recovery plan is needed.

How Do I Become an Incident Responder?

You may be wondering what does it take to become an incident responder (if you aren’t already, of course)? Incident responders are greatly needed within the industry. With the growth of hacking and other cybercrime regularly targeted at organizations, more CIRTs are busy with incident handling, responding to cyberattacks, and prioritizing responses. These IT professionals are trained in assessing and successfully responding to cyberattacks to minimize damages to their employers.

If you are interested in information security and love the thrill of technical challenges, you might be a great candidate to learn to become an incident responder. But it’s about more than passion, security incident response also takes deft skills, which can be gained via incident response training. With a current shortage of skills in the lucrative cybersecurity field, it is time to become a certified security incident responder.

According to a recent article by Forbes, many of the half-million cybersecurity job openings go unfilled, partly because college computer science graduates often lack skills and hands-on experience needed for the job. The article suggests that certification programs and internships are vital pathways to fulfilling careers in cybersecurity, as most of the available positions require technical knowledge and expertise.

Steps to Become an Incident Response Analyst

You will need a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in cybersecuritycomputer forensics, or related field, and you may also be required to become certified. Many experts in cybersecurity acquire their incident response training by earning the appropriate professional certifications, including certified intrusion analyst, certified incident handler, or certified forensic analyst. Regardless of requirements for your cybersecurity educational program, most incident responder professions necessitate one or more of these certifications, which may differ based on the industry, the position, or the employer.

The majority of incident responder positions also require a minimum of 2-3 years of relevant work experience in sectors such as network administration, computer forensics and cybersecurity. You may take online courses, obtain training, or attend boot camps to boost your resume. Earning cybersecurity incident response training can assist you in qualifying for a role with the CSIR teams, by learning from CSIRT leaders and other cybersecurity experts.

Why is security incident response training important?

An incident is any disruption of security measures or policies of an organization, which compromises or tries to compromise the organization’s integrity, privacy, or availability of information (also known as CIA triangle). Incident response training is a program designed to educate IT professionals and members of the CIRT on preparing to handle and respond to security incidents in real-world scenarios. Getting certified ensures that you as a professional will receive hands-on learning delivered through learning labs and core curricula training that is mapped to and in compliance with government and industry-published incident and response frameworks.

Most large organizations spend huge amounts and time authenticating the efficiency of their security controls and formulating a cyber incident plan, however only a few actually spend enough time training their staff on how to tackle an incident when it occurs. The penalties of not having a well-trained incident responder could range from loss of sensitive data, business downtime, expensive fines, to a bad reputation and loss of consumer trust. Whether you are an IT professional, IT and cybersecurity team leader, cybersecurity professional (entry to senior-level), cybersecurity enthusiast (entry-level), small-mid enterprise leaders, or mid-large enterprise leaders, whenever you invest in incident training you make intelligent use of resources. Without training, bear in mind that:

  • You may not be conversant with the new threat and may not know how to defend your organization.
  • Your lack of knowledge may be detrimental to your organization since human errors are mostly responsible for security incidents.
  • Most incidents can be avoided and mitigated.
  • Even those who are renowned experts in the incident response field may sometimes have lapses when handling incidents and need further incident response training.
  • You may not have the money to employ a security consultant, incident response analyst, or CIRT, nor the time to afford satisfactory preventive defenses. However, with well-defined incident response training, you eliminate undue costs and invest in your knowledge or the knowledge of your staff.

About ECIH Certification

EC-Council’s Certified Incident Handler (ECIH) program offers a standards-based, specialist-level, wide-ranging 3-day training program, which teaches and exposes organizations to the skills and knowledge needed to handle post-breach repercussions successfully.


Reading Time: 6 minutes

An incident response analyst can be extremely beneficial for SMBs with the incessant rise of cybercrimes. Every year, the Internet is swamped with cybersecurity threats and cybercrime predictions. However, SMBs and consumers often fail to keep up with these trends, which can result in much handwringing in the boardroom. When the income, reputation, and trust of consumers is at stake, it is essential that organizations quickly detect and respond to security incidents.  

What does an Incident Response Analyst do?  

An incident response analyst explores computer-related crimes within an organization. Incident response analysts attempt to shield and improve the security of an organization’s security by avoiding, forestalling and mitigating security breaches. An incident responder’s job involves system checking, valuation, testing and investigations targeted at detecting and amending probable security threats. Also, an incident responder often formulates security plans, protocols, strategies and training that help organizations be ever ready to respond competently and efficiently to live incidents or events. 

The incident response field is large with different job opportunities ranging from cyber incident responder, incidence response engineer, computer network defense incident responder, to network intrusion analyst, forensics intrusion analyst and intrusion detection expert. Most organizations hire incident response analysts to protect their reputation and revenue from losses arising from cybercrimes.  

What Is the Purpose of an Incident Response Plan? 

Regardless of the size of a security breach, it is essential for organizations to have a well-prepared incident response plan to mitigate the possibility of becoming a victim of the newest cyberattack. To draft a well-defined incident response plan, you must be able to efficiently detect, reduce the damage and eradicate the cost of a cyberattack, while discovering and mending the cause to avert further attacks. All through the incident response process, members of the security team will encounter several unknowns and a whirl of commotion. In such scenarios, they may fail to adhere to appropriate incident response methodology to efficiently minimize the threat. The following are the three essential goals of an incident response plan: 

To Protect Your Finances 

A detailed incident response plan defends your company from potential financial losses. According to a 2019 survey, the global average cost of a data breach was estimated to be $3.92 million US Dollars, a 1.5 percent increase from the 2018 survey. The U.S. suffered the most severe data breaches in the world costing about $8.19 million, which is more than the global average. A cybersecurity plan is important as it can take up to 279 days for organizations to detect and moderate a data breach life cycle. The finances of your SMB business can be greatly affected by a data breach.   

To Guard Your Data 

The security of your data is crucial both for personal and professional reasons. When your data gets into the wrong hands your propriety information can be leaked and used for malicious purposes. However, with a detailed incident response process, your incident response analyst or CIRT can proactively protect your data from cyberattacks.  

To Defend Your Reputation and Enhance Your Consumer Trust 

A detailed response and reputation management program will help your company survive any security breach. Even though most consumers are ready to forgive companies that have experienced major data breaches, it is often difficult to regain their trust. A survey suggests that only about half of medium and large companies are developing resistance against cyberthreats and other live incidents. This can prove dangerous for the reputation of a company. Without solid consumer trust, an organization is well on its way to experiencing a business death. Thus, reputation management is an indispensable aspect of an effective incident response plan.  

What Are the Three Steps for Responding to a Cybersecurity Threat? 

A cybersecurity plan or incidence response plan is an organized procedure for tackling cyber threats, insider threats, external attacks, breaches, policy violations and security incidents. At EC-Council’s Certified Incident Handler (ECIH) program, we’ve identified three tested steps for responding to a cybersecurity threat: 

Step One – Confront Your Security Issues 

The first step in responding to a cybersecurity threat is to confront your security issues. You will need to create and implement proper security measures to protect your business assets. The most effective way to do this is to make a list of your assets and then assign asset owners. The purpose of this is to recognize your core business assets and authenticate who is accountable for their upkeep and security. You should also examine and record all of your business assets based on their functions, including the type of data it stockpiles, who can assess the data, how significant the data is to your company, and what level of protection is presently available to defend it from cyberattacks.  

Step Two – Create an Incident Response Plan 

The second step is to create a comprehensive incident response plan. Regardless of the current strength of your cyber security mechanisms, you need an incident response plan. With a well-crafted incident response methodologies, you can mitigate losses and minimize damages by formulating a solid incident response process that best suits the size of your company. You need to hire a cyber incident response team (CIRT), incident recovery team (IRT), incident response analyst, or alternatively you can train your IT staff about incident response processes. Their role is to gather, preserve and examine incident-related data. You will also need an effective communication platform, such as a centralized communication forum where your IRT or CIRT can evaluate and systematically document live incidents.  

Step Three – Communicate Cyber Incident Responsibilities 

The last, but certainly not least, step is to effectively convey cyber incident duties at all levels. Although every member of your staff has a duty to ensure that your company is safe and secure, not everyone will be responsible for incident recovery, encryption or network segmentation in their daily responsibilities. Nevertheless, you must ensure that everyone in your company knows their roles and what is required of them. You may have to provide regular training to substitute skill gaps, monitor security improvements, and provide incentives to your CIRT for excellent security accomplishments.  

What Are the Five Steps of Incident Response? 

There are five essential steps you must take during the incident response lifecycle. Note that, incident response is a unified process and not an isolated occurrence. Your incident response analyst or CIRT must apply an organized and harmonized approach to this plan. These five steps must align with the NIST Computer Security Incident Handling Guide (SP 800-61).  

  1. Preparation The first step is to prepare in advance how to avert security breaches by developing a solid incident response plan. incident response analyst should create a well-tested plan before a major data breach or cyberattack occurs. This plan will support the efforts of your IRT. An effective incident response plan must include the following: 
    • Assign a team leader whose general responsibility is to respond to cyber incidents. Your incident response analyst may be able to handle this threat depending on the size of your SMB business.  
    • Create strategies, procedures and contracts for the incident response analyst or team. 
    • Evaluate your existing threat recognition competence, and renew your risk assessment and improvement programs. 
    • Carryout unending assemblage, investigation and harmonization of your threat intelligence feeds. 
    • Articulate communication guidelines to allow continuous communication throughout and after the incident. 
    • Perform operational threat hunting drills or simulations to detect incidents happening within your environment, for a more proactive incident response. 
  2. Detection & Analysis  The incidence response analyst you’ve hired should first determine the cause of the incident before she/he can attempt to contain it. The incident responder, together with the CIRT team will monitor possible attack trajectories, detect signs of an incident, document initial incidence, assign incident classification, report incidences, and prioritize responses. An incident response analyst can detect and analyze incidents through a number of indicators including: 
    • Anti-malware programs. 
    • SIEMs and other security products that produce warnings based on examination of log data. 
    • Logs and audit-related data for detecting anomalous activities with applications, cloud services, users, external storage, real-time memory, etc. 
    • System administrators, security staff, users, network administrators, and others.  
    • Document reliability inspecting software.  
  3. Triage & Analysis  
    This phase is crucial because all efforts to adequately understand the cause of the incidence are evaluated. The incident responder collects data from systems and machines for additional examination and determines your points of breach. The incident response analyst must have comprehensive proficiencies and a thorough understanding of live incident responses, digital forensics, malware analysis and memory analysis. The incident analyst must focus on three essential aspects including Binary Analysis, Endpoint Analysis and Enterprise Hunting.  
  4. Containment, Eradication, & Recovery  Once the incident has been detected and the cause ascertained, the incident responder must endeavor to contain the damage. Once the incident analyst has identified the cause of the incident, she/he must disable network access for systems that have been compromised by viruses or other malware, wipe the infected devices, and mount security reinforcements to resolve network exposures and malware issues. Your team may also have to create new passwords for users with compromised data or disable the accounts of insiders responsible for the incident. Your CIRT should create a backup for all devices that were breached to reserve their present condition for future forensics.  
  5. Post Incident Activity 
    Once the incident has been contained and eradicated, you should review the lessons learned to avoid experiencing the same occurrence in the future. You will then apply appropriate changes to your security procedures and training for your employees. The incident response plan must be reviewed and updated to reflect any new precautionary procedures.  

Final Thoughts 

Every company will have a diverse incident response process based on its distinctive IT setting and business requirements. However, It’s vital to follow the NIST incident handling guide for mandatory processes.  

About ECIH Certification- Incident Handling & Response 

EC-Council’s Certified Incident Handler (ECIH) program offers a standards-based, specialist-level, wide-ranging 3-day training program on incident response and handling, which teaches and exposes organizations to the skills and knowledge needed to successfully handle post-breach repercussions. 


Reading Time: 4 minutes

Countless network security breaches had occurred in the internet space over the years, leaving behind devastating consequences. According to a study, the odds of experiencing a data breach are 1 out of 4. The same study also revealed that, on average, businesses are spending $7.2 million on security breaches. That goes to show how hazardous network security threats can be for your business if left unchecked. 

Since cybersecurity breach is an unforeseeable threat, as a business owner – whether you own a corporation or small to medium-sized business – you should build strong network security defenses around your company’s network. 

The most effective way to combat network security threats is to know the various threat-proof techniques that are most applicable for your business and be proactive at implementing them. At the same time, you can always sign up for a network security engineer course, which will teach you everything you need to know about network security. 

Popular Network Threats

How to Stop Network Security Threats 

1.  Boost physical security  

If you install your network server(s) within the premise of your company, ensure you secure the facility tightly. You may need to hire security guards to protect and prevent insider incidents. You may also install a reliable digital lock, strong enough to discourage network intruders from having physical access to your servers.  

2.  Educate Your Employees About Security Measures 

Taking up an advanced network security course such as Certified Network Defender will upskill your network administrator with adequate network security skills to defend your organization against vicious attacks. This is the perfect way to ensure they’re up to date with the newest technologies. Apart from your network administrator, you should provide training to all your employees. Incentivize them on network various types of network security attacks, how to identify threats, and whom to contact. Follow up on the training, updating your employees about the latest potential security threats. 

3.  Reinforce Your Security Access Control 

Often, network security breaches occur when an unauthorized person gained access to the company’s passwords. In that case, ensure you create a unique password for each system, using a combination of lower case letters, upper case letters, special characters, and numeric characters. Ensure that all default passwords are changed to secure passwords. In many instances, change your passwords frequently, and always keep them away from authorized eyes. You can also adopt multilevel authentication alongside the fingerprint scanner. This can serve as an additional layer of security to further bolster the overall network security of your company. 

4.  Use Network Protection Measures 

Network security protection measures are part of your first line of defense against cyber attackers. Take note of the following actions that’ll help enhance your network security: 

  • Conduct proper maintenance, such as updating outdated software
  • Install a firewall 
  • Use IDS/IPS to help tract potential packet floods 
  • Use network segmentation 
  • Install a Virtual Private Network (VPN) 

5.  Install Network Monitoring Software 

Network monitoring software provides early warning at the slightest instance of detecting a threat. It does this by keeping track of the entire IT infrastructure, establishing contact with all devices, and the system. 

The network monitoring software covers three critical areas of your network: 

  • Monitors the entire security systems: It regularly scans your system firewalls and virus scanners to ensure operational reliability. 
  • Measures bandwidth bottlenecks: Malware attack could slow down system response time, allowing the attacker to steal or control sensitive data. The monitoring software checks for inconsistency on your system and report them, allowing the administrator to analyze the data and quickly act on it. 
  • Inspects environmental parameters: Network monitoring software enables surveillance to check all surrounding areas. Some monitoring software is built with sensory technology to detect smoke or gas formation. 

Some of these specialized devices can be configured to trigger an alarm once it detects security breaches such as when the door or window of your server is opened. 

Become a Certified Network Defender  

EC–Council’s Certified Network Defender course is a 14- module packed program that’ll provide you – whether you’re a network administrator, CND analyst, or involved in any network operations – with the hands-on Network Security Training to attain Defense-in-Depth network security preparedness. You can also choose from the array of training options that suits your circumstances. 

What are network security threats?What is the biggest threat to network securi


Reading Time: 4 minutes

Many companies are beginning to realize the significant role of a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) in business decisions, especially with the increase in network security mishaps. Besides dealing with daily threats, organizations are struggling to meet the ever-changing security regulations. However, for CISOs to perform at their top level, they must be equipped not only with the technical expertise and leadership skills. Still, they must understand every section of a company’s security model from a business perspective. 

While this is something that can easily be explained, the skills needed for this role can only be attained through years of experience and a recommended training designed specifically for chief information security officers

Who is a CISO? What is the role of a CISO? 

A CISO is an executive in charge of Business Information Security, specializing in the management of technical security issues. The primary role of CISO is to oversee and ensure that the business unit of an organization recognizes that information security is an integral part of every business. Also, the executive helps in implementing and translating security policies and procedures. Other roles of CISOs includes: 

  • Analyzes immediate threats in real-time and triages when an organization is under attack.  
  • Prevents fraud by ensuring that no internal staff steals or misuse a company’s data. 
  • Ensures that all staff knows more about the governance risk and compliance, providing investigation and forensics. 
  • Evaluates and ensures that only authorized people get access to classified information. 

What are the duties and responsibilities of CISO? 

The following are the general duties and job responsibilities of a CISO, depending on the size of the organization: 

  • Evaluates, develops a rapport, and advises other executives on how to address security threats while working on a risk management program for an actionable plan. 
  • Performs a risk assessment plan that can reveal vulnerable areas within the organization. 
  • Performs asset assessment plan to classify organization assets based on their criticality and business level.
  • Strategically develops a security roadmap consisting of budget size and prioritized initiatives. 
  • Ensuring that the organization complies with security policies and procedures.  
  • Develops, maintains, and updates security training and awareness plan. 
  • Prepares and communicates a response to security incidents. 
  • Examines the security architecture of the company for new projects and applications.
  • Managing the organization’s compliance and governance as per the regulations in the country. 

How to effectively discuss security as a competitive advantage and positive element for the organization to embrace: 

What makes a good CISO?  

Here are a few key attributes of a CISO: 


A good CISO is friendly, can communicate, and is approachable. Thier leadership skills become evident in areas like developing, planning, and managing thier team of security experts, establishing a positive working condition. They take the lead in supervising all security-related operations. They must have the ability to listen and make risk-based business-oriented decisions. 

Excellent security knowledge 

For a CISO to be effective, they must understand and be able to interpret complex and analytical security problems and can provide a practical solution. They must be able to communicate and explain technical details understandable to other executives. They can also tolerate risk, owing to his high social engineering skill. They are highly patient, as changing everything in an organization takes patience and endurance. 

Excellent business knowledge 

CISOs security knowledge must balance with the business goals of the organization in a way that security risk can be managed without disrupting business operations. This will require a high level of knowledge to understand business operations required to secure the organization’s data. 

If you are an aspiring CISO then this session is for you: 

About Certified CISO Certification 

EC-Council’s Certified CISO program provides first of its kind security training to produce top-level security executives, focusing majorly on the application of technical knowledge. Bringing together all the components required for C-Level positions, the CCISO program combines audit management, governance, IS controls, human capital management, strategic program development, and the financial expertise vital to leading a highly successful IS program. 


What are the qualifications for a CISO role?

What is the difference between CIO and CISO?

What is the average salary of a CISO?

Who does a CISO report to?